Upcoming spring ride will be April 24th-27th 2025 in Sandy Mush in Leicester, NC.
Upcoming Summer ride will be in Franklin, NC June 28-July 5th 2025.
Please go to our Spring and Summer Ride Tab for more information on ride list, camping information, amenities, etc.
Welcome to the Western North Carolina Wagon Train Website. Come join us during one of our rides this year.
Important information will always be listed on this page for you to see when you immediately log in.
Please keep watching our Facebook page for new details as they come up. We will also be updating our website here as details are available.
The Western North Carolina Wagon Train, West of Balsam, invites you to be a part of Eastern America's most unique Wagon Train tradition. Trek with us along unused roads in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains in Andrews, NC...Camp with us in a grassy meadow bordered by a noisy stream...Ride in a town's parade...Enjoy the breathtaking sunsets...Dance the night away with your family and friends...And, best of all, make lifetime friends and strengthen your family bonds.